Tuesday, September 21, 2010

JFK Airport - NYC

So, I am once again off to Maine.  Ocean air and some much deserved relaxation.  A quick breakfast of coconut milk yogurt and Bakery on Maine granola (seemed fitting) and I'm on my way.

Flying Jet Blue.  Yipee! GF Blue chips for snack!

First stop, JFK airport, NYC.  I was a little concerned about the food there.  Honestly, it has been quite a few years since I have had to fly through JFK.  The last time I was there the only options were pizza and Japanese.  Neither very gluten free friendly.  Wow, was I pleasantly surprised!  There were many very nice and yummy looking restaurants.  I am sorry to report that I just didn't have the gumption  to ask all the questions or drop $30 for a quick lunch today.  Thankfully, there is also a lovely food court at CIBO EXPRESS.

Now, I didn't see place that was specifically labeled gluten friendly BUT  there was a wonderful salad bar.

It looked like a little Whole Foods.  It was clean and food was well separated.  There were no signs regarding allergies or ingredients so I stayed with the safe stuff.  Veggies!!  They also had separate oil and vinegar so I didn't have to worry about the dressings.

There were also many prepackaged meals that looked delicious and had all the ingredients clearly marked.

I must say, I kind of want to book another trip through NY just so I can try some of the restaurants in the airport.  Kind of sad, I know!

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