Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Rockland, Maine

I was SO excited about going to Rockland.  It was all about the food!  My SI and I had watched an episode of  Anthony Bourdain's show "No Reservations" which took place in Maine.  One of the featured restaurants was a place called PRIMO.  The restaurant raises its own food, veggies and pigs!  We had to go.  A birthday in Maine was the perfect excuse.  I wish I had taken more pictures but I was too busy eating, sorry.

Primo was beyond fabulous!  I was in a beautiful house with 3 floors surrounded by incredible gardens.  With the first step in the door came heaven.  It smelled of warm, tasty food and a wood burning stove.  It felt like walking into a warm log cabin after a cold day of hard skiing.  Very cozy.

A lot of the menu was gluten free on it's own.  Good fresh food.  The waiter was very knowledgeable about gluten and even thought of a few things that I wouldn't have asked about.

First, the amuse bouche.  My companions had something that looked quite good but the waiter brought out my own special GF treat (without me requesting it).  Endive, creamy cheese and a fig topped with a sinful vinegar.

I continued with a fresh, wonderful salad.  Then the most fabulous special appetizer.  I don't know that I can even really explain it.  It was basically a corn puree flan topped with marinated pork belly and drizzled with a pepper sauce and then served with tiny roasted peppers.  It was one of the best things I have ever eaten.  Dinner was a great duck dish.  It had caramelized onions and mushrooms.  Really good!

Next, well dessert of course.  And, oh my goodness, they had GF cannolis.  I'm not talking about some gross processed GF canolli shell stuffed with their filling.  Oh, no.  A beautiful home made shell, like a florentine cookie, stuffed with luscious, creamy filling, dipped in pistachios and served with marinated cherries.  I haven't had a cannoli since I went GF.  When I lived in SF and lived in the Italian area I was tortured daily.  Finally, sweet relief in my mouth.  Who cares if my stomach bursts open from fullness.  My mouth and soul were happy.

Despite visceral  protestations, there was more.  A sweet coffee drink topped with whip cream. A little caffeine for the drive back to Boothbay. Mmmmm.

The bill was requested (ouch!) and we leaned back with painful satisfaction, when it happened.  A post meal treat. (I thought that is what dessert was.  Apparently I was raised by wolves.)  We were brought a long tray of homemade dark chocolate truffles with hints of orange and other yumminess and soft, spongy marshmallows and chocolate dipped gooseberries.  I did walk into heaven!!

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